Dr Niki Shuhada Shukor

Group cMT
GAM, NSG Premier Consultants.

Each of us shapes our own life, and the shape of our life is determined to a great extent by our attitudes and SKILLS that we possess. The 3 main SKILLS to master in order to be successful in this fantastic business are: 1.SELLING SKILLS 2.RECRUITMENT SKILLS 3.LEADERSHIP SKILLS. GAM LT have provided me all 3. Prepare yourself for a magnificient future. GAM LT is the most effective leadership training in the world. It covers all of the critical lessons you require to become a world-class leader. See you in GAM LT and remember, successful people are not smarter than anyone else, they have simply learned to use what they have effectively.

Bochi, Siti Zainab Zaini

cMT (honours)
GAM, Elite Group of Consultants.

GAM LT is AWESOME! My confidence was raised to an extreme level enabling me to inspire others to have confidence in themselves too. I've established strong skills and secrets in sales that awarded me 14 times MDP within 3 years. I've taken bold actions in developing my people and group to Elite level and double the recruitment and TGS sales in 6 months. GAM LT unveiled for me secrets in living harmonic relationship and strengthen my bond with family and friends.



GAM LT was the turning point for me to go all out to get my GAMship. Dr. Lawrence ins pired me to give the best always and GAM LT has helped me to be an excellent leader.


GAM, Sovereign Wealth Advisors

GAM LT really is fabulous & amazing! I have never attended any seminars or trainings like Dr LW's! My own great experience & incredible feelings & self discovery was really amazing! Training yg bukan sekadar menyerlah potential diri, malah membongkar rahsia terpendam, membuka pekung di dada, menyelam hati budi & minda kita! sekaligus membina keperibadian dan kecekalan mental yg cukup mantap! Really is an Amazing discovery & learnings!


GAM, MY Financial FREEDOM Advisors

GAM LT is a BRILLIANT way to become a GAM! In 2006 Dr. Lawrence has planted a positive mindset in me and made me ready to become a successful GAM. GAM LT has also built my confidence and has made me 14 times MDP before my GAMship. GAM LT is the right place to TRANSFORM an ordinary person to an XO LEADER!

Sara’ Anom Ismail

GAM, Profive Stars

If you want to be a success in the industry, learn from people who are already successful in the industry….If you want to learn how to be a leader, learn from the person who's taught so many Ordinary Leaders to be Extraordinary Leaders!! Dr. Lawrence Walter Ng is a superb & powerful trainer who can bring out the best in you through GAM LT. GAM LT has been designed and customized to fit in our industry. I was able to get my first MDP in 2005 through the skills acquired from GAM LT. The GAM LT is a fantastic program that develops and enhances your skills both on Selling & Leadership. It's amazing to find out that selling & leadership excellence are not in-born talents ….but are skills that can be acquired!!